St Patrick's Catholic Church

- The War Memorial -

His Grace Archbishop Cushley, blesses the new war memorial. 'My dear brothers and sisters, we gather here this evening in remembrance, in thanksgiving and in prayer, on this, our feast of St Patrick, for those from this parish who gave their lives in the two wars, in service for our country, sacrificing in such a costly way for the sake of others. O God, by whose mercy the faithful departed find their rest, Bless this war memorial in remembrance of our forefathers who died in World Wars 1 & 2'

Mrs Alice Conway, an older parishioner, was asked to jointly unveil the new war memorial on behalf of the Parish.

St Patrick's Kilsyth War Memorial showing the Scottish Thistle for the Scottish Regiments and the Harp of Ireland for the Irish Regiments in which our parishioners served and who make up the majority of our fallen. The poppies on each corner also represent those who served in the Navy, Air Force or Merchant Navy.

His Grace Archbishop Cushley, blesses the new war memorial. 'My dear brothers and sisters, we gather here this evening in remembrance, in thanksgiving and in prayer, on this, our feast of St Patrick, for those from this parish who gave their lives in the two wars, in service for our country, sacrificing in such a costly way for the sake of others. O God, by whose mercy the faithful departed find their rest, Bless this war memorial in remembrance of our forefathers who died in World Wars 1 & 2'
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