St Patrick's Catholic Church
About Us
Parish Life
Parish War Dead of WW1
Gartshore Pit Disaster 1923
Dumbreck Pit Disaster 1938
Parish War Dead - WW2
History of St. Patrick's
Centenary Brochure - (1865-1965)
Priests and Vocations who have served in St. Patrick's Kilsyth
Franciscan Sisters of the Immaculate Conception
Life in Pictures
Mr Stone the first Head Master of St Patrick's School Kilsyth
St Patrick's Kilsyth - 1960's - Miss Alice Melling
Playground Skipping
Architecture of St Patrick's
The Dârmânest Crucifix
Photos from the Past
150th Anniversary of St. Patrick's Parish
New Parish Hall Opening
Cardinal Gray Archive
Archbishop Leo Cushley at St Patrick's Kilsyth on the 17th March 2016.