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Parish Draw

Would You Like to Join the Parish Draw?

“Due to your generosity in supporting the Parish Draw we painted the chapel house, and the remainder went towards the chapel boiler.  In the near future we will be upgrading the lighting system in the chapel, I am sure this will be of enormous benefit to the parishioners of St Patrick’s.”

“Also, on behalf of the Parish I would like to thank all the Promoters/Collectors, Counters & Parishioners for your generosity, support & commitment over the past 20 plus years. 
You all are a credit to our Parish.”


“Please Continue to Support Our Parish &

Good Luck in the Prize Draw”

Fr Deeley & Fr Moir

Parish Draw - Information Guide

Updated Parish Draw Information Guide 2021

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Parish Draw will take place on Thursday and hopefully on the last Thursday of the month until further notice.

Fr Deeley & Fr Moir

Gift Aid

The parish very much appreciates all donations that it receives, through the offertory & special collections and one off donations.

The Parish can further benefit if you Gift Aid your donation, by receiving 25p in each £1 you give.

All that is required is that you are a UK tax payer and you have an income of £11,500p. a. (including many retired people).

Aid Chart.jpg

Gift Aid Declaration Form

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