St Patrick's Catholic Church

Bereavement | CHAS | Foodbank | Life/S.P.U.C | SCIAF | SVDP | Visitation Group | Welcome
- Welcome to the Caritas Group -
- Caritas - "Christian love of humankind; charity" -
"Pope Francis met with Caritas leaders from around the world to discuss their work in helping millions of poor and vulnerable people, telling them "a Church without charity does not exist." He said, "Caritas is the caress of the Church to its people, the caress of the Mother Church to her children, her tenderness and closeness. " (Source: Caritas Internationalis)
In response to Pope Francis' comments and those shared with our own Archbishop, St. Patrick's has formed its own Caritas Group. Our aim is to be pro-active about all life issues. The group consists of representatives from existing parish groups:-
Bereavement Group
Visitation Group
SPUC / Life
Welcome Group
The intention is that each group operates independently but by coming together on a regular basis under the umbrella of the Caritas group, we can share information, support each other, avoid conflicts of dates / events and hopefully identify any areas where help is needed, problems gave arisen or issues need highlighted.
We me once every 2 months and promote the work of our existing charitable groups by informing parishioners of all that is going on and how they can help or become involved through newsletters, posters and in time, a new website.
Guest speakers are invited to the parish to highlight and keep us informed on various social issues which may affect some or all of us.
If you would like more information or are aware of any social issue you believe should be addressed, please
- Caritas Meetings Archive -
Structure of Funeral | Choosing Hymns | Choosing Readings | Rosary & Prayers | Blessing of the Graves
- Welcome to St. Patrick's Bereavement Group -
The Parish Bereavement Group is a voluntary group of parishioners, which helps the priest on the occasion of a death in the Parish.
The members of the group assist the Priest in celebrating the Funeral Rites, Leading Prayers and the Rosary in the Church, in the Funeral Parlour and in the home of the deceased or their family.
Additionally they assist the priest at the service of the Reception of the body on the eve of the funeral.
The Bereavement Group also assists with the annual Blessing of the Graves service in Kilsyth Cemetery in June and in the preparation of the annual Bereavement Mass in November.
Each November it is our custom to pray for all the faithfull departed, however most especially we pray for those who have died in the past year, in a Mass of Remembrance. We also hold a special 'Blessing of the Graves' service in Kilsyth Cemetery in the summer - usually on a (sunny) Sunday afternoon in July.
Since Kilsyth Cemetery is also used by the neighbouring Catholic Parishes of Holy Cross, Croy and Saint John of the Cross, Twechar, the Blessing of the Graves service is held in conjunction with those Parishes as a reminder that the Catholic community is wider than just our own Parish. The families and friends of the deceased over the previous 12 months from all 3 Parishes are especially invited to join us as well as those who have been bereaved in previous years.
This annual service gives us the opportunity to remember those who have died and to pray for the repose of their souls in heaven. The service takes place at the first circle in the graveyard extension where 3 of those Priests who served the people of St Patrick's Kilsyth (Canon Krugger, Canon McGarvey and Canon Downie) are buried surrounded by their parishioners.
- What to do when someone dies -
When someone dies please notify the Priest as soon as you are able (01236 - 822136), so that the he may have the opportunity to meet with the family of the deceased and begin making arrangements for the funeral. It is imperative that you contact him first rather than the Bereavement Group directly.
When someone dies it is often a time of great sadness, mourning and reflection but as Christians we must also remember to rejoice that the Lord Jesus Christ has won a great victory over death and made it possible for us to pass through to new and eternal life.
This period can also be a busy time when arrangements have to be made and friends and relatives notified. So it is the intention of the Bereavement Group in these few related web pages, to help you with some information which you may find helpful.
- What you need to know -
Once you have contacted the Priest, the next thing it is advisable to do is to establish a relationship with an Undertaker. There are many sensitive and professional local undertakers who advertise in the press, on the internet and in Yellow Pages. It may be that your family has a particular association with an individual company, the choice of Undertaker is yours and they can guide you through the legal process of registering a death and all the other arrangements you may wish to make.
- List of Undertakers -
Here is a short list of local undertakers - there are many others that you may wish to use.
Co-op Funeral Care - Kilsyth - 01236 822158.
J&D Lawson - Kirkintilloch - 0141 776 2242.
T&R O'Brien - Glasgow - 0141 332 1154.
Paterson Hughes - Kilsyth - 01236 829988. (24hrs)
Cullen & Easton - Cumbernauld - 01236 724000.
Lee Edward & Sons - Muirhead - 0141 779 1973.
Cathell Thomas & Sons - Denny - 01324 822159
- Organising a Catholic Funeral -
If you are making arrangements for the funeral of a relative or friend, your funeral director and the Priest can help you choose the appropriate elements to make it a meaningful celebration of trust and hope in Jesus Christ. Organising a Catholic funeral may seem daunting especially if you have never organised one before or indeed if you yourself are not a Catholic. The notes on the following pages here will help you.
It is important that you are aware of the different types of Funeral Service that take place in a Catholic Church and the structure of those services - so please see Structure of a Catholic Funeral. Naturally the arrangements will involve you choosing Readings from the Bible and choosing Hymns or Sacred Music for use during the Service, so these pages have been written to help you through a process of choosing appropriate readings or music which reflect the life of the deceased and give meaning to family and friends at this time of mourning.
- Rosary or Prayer Service in the Home -
The Bereavement Group do not routinely undertake Rosary or a Prayer Service in the home - more usually the family themselves will lead these traditional prayers. However the Bereavement Group will be happy to help to lead prayers in the home of the deceased or in the Funeral Parlour if requested to by the family in the days between the death and the funeral taking place. This can be arranged through the Priest or a Bereavement Group member.
- Blessing of the Graves -
Information to follow.
- Welcome to CHAS -
- CHAS -
The Children's Hospice Association Scotland - is the sole provider of children's hospice services in Scotland, caring for children and young people with a wide range of life-shortening conditions, many of which are rare.
CHAS offers care to families in two hospices, Rachel House in Kinross (Photo) which opened in 1996 and Robin House in Balloch, which opened in 2005 and through the CHAS at home service throughout Scotland.
The range of services include:
short planned breaks for individuals and / or families
emergency or unplanned admissions to the hospice
symptom management
end of life care
care and support at home, in children's hospitals and in local communities
24 hour advice for families and professionals
bereavement care and support.
CHAS provides palliative care to support children, young people and their families.
CHAS provides support to children, young people and their families through highly skilled and motivated staff and volunteers.
CHAS helps families make connections with healthcare services.
- Rachel House Hospice -
Scotland’s first children’s hospice, was opened in 1996. The hospice is a purpose-built ‘home from home’ providing accommodation for eight families from across Scotland at any one time.
A children's hospice offers a place where families can relax, recharge their batteries and have fun with their children. Expert care is on hand to help them make the most of each day and live life to the full.
- Robin House Hospice -
Scotland’s second children’s hospice, Robin House, was opened in 2005. Like Scotland’s first children’s hospice Rachel House, the hospice offers a purpose-built ‘home from home’ with accommodation for eight families from across Scotland at any one time.
Robin House offers a place where families can relax, recharge their batteries and have fun with their children. Expert care is on hand to help them make the most of each day and live life to the full.
- Welcome to St. Patrick's Foodbank -
Thanks to the generosity of our parishioners, who donate bags of food and toiletries, we make a delivery to the Kilsyth Food Bank every Wednesday morning.
All donations are greatly appreciated and can be left in the boxes at either door of the Church for uplift.
We also have two starter packs, kept in the Liturgy Room in Church, which can be used by SVDP when they are contacted by people who need help immediately. The starter packs contain dome essentials like:
tea bags
dried food
There is also a small amount of money to buy bread, milk etc, before giving the pack to the person in need.
The donations of food are uplifted and delivered to Kilsyth Food Bank by Jim Hughes.

- Welcome to the Visitation Group -

Due to level of commitments required, the group decided to change from Legion of Mary to the Visitation Group. As such, they will continue to visit the sick and elderly and be responsible for the Fatima Statue.
Our main work involves helping Fr. Daniel visit the sick, housebound and those in the Cottage Hospital and Craig-en-goyne Nursing Home.

The Visitation Group always go out in twos and each week at the meeting, report back on how people have been and any particular needs they may have.
We are again assigned further visits and Fr. Daniel suggests people who may be most in need or others who have to be added to the list.
Once a month, if we are able, we attend a diocesan meeting, the Senatus, which is held in Glasgow.
- Welcome to The Scottish Catholic International Aid Fund -
SCIAF - is the official aid and international development charity of the Catholic Church in Scotland. It works in 16 countries across Asia, Africa and Latin America helping some of the poorest people in the world, regardless of religion, to work their way out of poverty.
It started in 1965 in response to the Catholic Church calling for people to make a stand for those people impacted by the injustice of hunger and poverty in the developing world. As part of the global Caritas family, SCIAF's vision of a world in which all people, especially the poor and oppressed, have the opportunity and the means to live life and to live it to the full. SCIAF is inspired by Gospel values to build a just world.
SCIAF raises money in Scotland to help people living in poverty in developing countries to get a "hand-up" rather than a "hand-out".
The 3 main ways are:
Supporting poor communities by providing seeds, tools and training so people can grow their own food and by helping them get clean water.
Disaster relief - when disaster strikes SCIAF works through Caritas to get clean water, food and medical care immediately to where it is needed.
Campaigning for change - SCIAF is campaigning to end poverty for good by working on issues which keep people poor. Here in Scotland SCIAF raises awareness of the causes of poverty in schools and parishes and campaigns for change by putting pressure on UK politicians and heads of big businesses to make choices that make life easier, not harder, for the world's poor.
- SCIAF Coffee Morning 2022 -
Many thanks to everyone who helped at the coffee morning for SCIAF’s work in Malawi and Ukraine. Also, thanks to everyone who donated home baking - it was greatly appreciated by all who attended. Thanks also to Alec Graham’s for their kind donation. Thanks to those who attended on Sunday and the Monday teas group. Along with the raffle, the total came to a wonderful £660.

St. Patrick's Parish Hall

St. Patrick's Parish Hall

St. Patrick's Parish Hall

St. Patrick's Parish Hall

- Society of St Vincent de Paul in Kilsyth -
- Tell Us -
If you know someone in need then please make sure that we know! You can contact us by speaking to the Parish Priest or by emailing us in confidence on
E |
- Pray for Us -
Pray for the success of the vocation of the SVDP in the Parish of St. Patrick's Kilsyth by praying
The Litany of Loretto
One Hail Mary
One Our Father
The Prayer of the St. Vincent de Paul
- Donate -
There is always the opportubity to charitably donate to the work of the SVDP by using the collection for the SVDP as you leave the Church after Sunday Mass.
If however you wish to make a more substantial gesture then please speak to our parish Priest, or anonymously place an envelope marked 'SVDP' through the Parish House letterbox at 30 Low Craigends Kilsyth. If you are making a Legal Will then the SVDP is always a deserving cause.
- Contact Us -
To speak to someone in confidence please call
T | Damian: 07739 827189
T | Ellen: 07811 457872
T | Hugh: 07887 763825
T | Jim: 07570 699442
T | John: 07785 23061
T | Lorraine: 07702 328278
or by emailing us in confidence on:-
E |
- More Information -
To find out what's going on in the SVDP in Scotland visit:-
W | SVDP Scotland

- Welcome to Community Wednesday Welcome Group -
The Community Wednesday Support Group was set up to offer a stimulating and friendly environment for adults regardless of age, gender and belief. Our aim is to prevent any family or individual feeling isolated or alone and to keep them involved in part of the community.
The group’s drop - in will be open every Wednesday from 12.00 noon in St. Patrick’s Church Hall. (If we are closed over a holiday period, notification will be published.) We now offer hot soup and filled rolls as well as tea, coffee and biscuits every week. All we ask for is a donation. When we start providing lunch there will be a cost which will be advertised when we have more information. The Drop-In Centre offers snacks and a variety of activities such as:-
carpet bowls
board games
arts & crafts
small nail bar
table football
Depending on individuals ability, age etc, additional activities such as light exercise, accompanied walks and gardening may be included.
The Group consists of a variety of members. We have 9 volunteers who can attend every Wednesday from 12noon until 3pm and an additional 8, who, although cannot commit to every Wednesday or from 12noon until 3pm, are still valuable members who can be depended on. The benefit of this "fluid" organisation is that it allows everyone the opportunity to offer a few hours of their time for s great cause without impacting on their family life or other commitments!
- To Join -
Just come along to the hall on a Wednesday and sign in.
- Time -
The welcome group is open from 12noon till 3pm every Wednesday.
- Events -
We have had Kilsyth Historic Society put on a presentation for us. St. Maurices’, High, Kilsyth Academy and Chryston High schools provided a musical afternoon last April. This event was in support of Alzheimers’ Scotland ’s ‘Wear Purple’ Day. St. Patrick’s Primary entertained us with a Christmas Carol Concert in December last year. We intend running these events again this year. We intend organising a number of days out over the coming year but this is dependent on receiving funding which we are applying for. Therefore no dates of events available at this time.
Knitting for Malawi
Hats we knitted for Rachel Kelly going to Malawi, the amount produced ie over 200, thanks to all our parishioners who gave their time and talent.
- Transport -
We cannot pick up and drop off but I have a contact who can organise a free service if more than 4 people from the same sheltered housing complex were attending. We have contact with Alzheimers’ Scotland, NLC Sheltered Housing and NLC Carer’s and Befrienders so we can help people make contact if necessary.
- Success -
Without naming names, we have seen introverted people come out of their shell and join in with our activities. We have witnessed someone dependent on their walking frame, gain enough confidence to stand up unaided and play carpet bowls. We have had a couple of people who when they first came along, would barely speak or make eye contact, now laugh, join in activities and tap their foot along to music. We an elderly couple and an elderly lady who tell us they love coming along as they love the company and it gets them out of the house.

Activities at the Welcome Group

Activities at the Welcome Group

Activities at the Welcome Group

Activities at the Welcome Group

Hats for Malawi

Hats for Malawi

Hats for Malawi

Hats for Malawi
Alzheimer Scotland - Lanarkshire
A massive thank you to the Wednesday Welcome Group in Kilsyth for raising an amazing £500 for Alzheimer Scotland at a recent 70's night. We truly appreciate every penny donated to enable us to provide services and supports for people with dementia and their families.
The group meet on a weekly basis - Wednesday 12 noon - 3 pm @ St Patrick’s Church Hall.

Welcome Group outing on to Colzium Estare, Walled Garden & Cafe.

Welcome Group outing on to Colzium Estare, Walled Garden & Cafe.

Welcome Group outing on to Colzium Estare, Walled Garden & Cafe.

Welcome Group outing on to Colzium Estare, Walled Garden & Cafe.
29 members of the Welcome Group enjoyed a lovely 2 course lunch at the Coachman Hotel, Kilsyth. There was a lovely, friendly atmosphere, the food was great and the Coachman staff couldn’t have been helpful or obliging.
This day out followed a very successful trip to Cloybank in Banknock where we had a delicious afternoon tea and wee walk around the grounds where we saw an amazing array of chickens, turkeys and cute little goats! It’s a lovely place for a family day out!
This Wednesday, we were back in the hall, playing cards, dominoes, table tennis, pool, art and enjoying each others company over a bowl of delicious Alex Graham soup and rolls and tea and biscuits. Next week we plan some fun bingo! So if your at a loose end on a Wednesday afternoon and would like to join us, you’d be more than welcome.

At the Coachman Hotel for lunch.

Having fun playing Pool.

Tea & a blether.

At the Coachman Hotel for lunch.

St. Patrick's Parish Afternoon Tea Party on Sunday 5th June 2022.

Our Queen of St. Patrick's.

The Party in full swing, attended by Parish Groups & Other Churchs.

St. Patrick's Parish Afternoon Tea Party on Sunday 5th June 2022.
A word of thanks to all those who came to the Queen’s afternoon tea last Sunday. The afternoon was a great success. Also, thanks to those who donated baking, raffle prizes, Alex Graham and Paterson and Hughes Funeral Directors for their support. Finally, to those who organised, served/clear up on the day. A total of £1301 was raised to assist in the major costs for the new church lights. Well done!